Saturday, March 3, 2012

Meet Carlee

My name is Abby. With my last daughter, who is two years old, I had pre-eclmapsia at 39 weeks.  This will also follow in my last pregnancy but worse.

At 28 weeks the doctor said, "You need to stop stressing out, your blood pressure is 140 over 89." I said, "okay."

At 32 weeks my blood pressure was 150 over 90 and she said, "You have no protein in your pee, so I'm not too worried about it." I said, "Okay." She said, "The reason you keep coming back every 2 weeks is because of preclampsia." I said, "Okay."  So she said, "Let's see how you do with three weeks then you can come back."

At 33 weeks and 2 days I woke up out of a dead sleep screaming because I couldn't breathe. It felt like someone was sitting on my chest I was numb my eyes were blood shot! And my husand said, "You're fine Abby." :/ I was getting sick. I couldn't eat. I was shaking. I couldn't see.

At 34 weeks on the dot I went to my appt and I went back got my blood pressure done. The nurse looked at me and said, "Are you okay?" I said, "No, I'm not." She said, "Yea, because your blood pressure is 212 over 99." I said, "Oh." After she went out, the doctor didn't wait.  She came in and she said, "Have you felt her move today?" I said, "No." She looked at me. She got a heart beat, but Carlee's heart beats were 100 and lower.  I said, "My chest hurts." She said, "That normal" :/ So she told me to go to the hospital NOW, don't go home and get my stuff. I needed to go now, so I did and went to labor and delivery.

 I was getting checked in where they get the info before you have the baby. She was typing it down.  She said, "What's wrong?" I said, "Nothing." She looked at me and said, "What's wrong?" I , "It's really heard to breathe." She checked my pulse.  She said, "Oh honey! omg!" She called for the doctor and said, "This women I have here she 34 weeks pg and her heart beats are 20!" After that call, 5 different doctors came in. I had to lay on my left side I had to get a EKG and it showed 40 beats a min and my bp was 215 over 100.  Then I had to go to another room where they gave me mag.  Then I was a different person. I had a seizure when the doctor was doing a ultrasound.  Then I had to go to ICU-CCU. I was miserable!!!! I was there, getting sick everywhere.  One of the doctors stayed beside me the whole night. I had Carlee by a urgent emergency c-section.  I kept having seizures. I had heart failure and if we didn't have the appt that time we both would of died of Eclampsia.

Carlee Elizabeth was born on June 28, 2011 at 12pm something. :/ She was 4lbs 3oz. She had jaundice, kept having bradys when she moved or ate.  She came home 2 weeks after she was born. She doesn't have any adjustments for her age. She's right on target, but she has to get glasses. If that's all I got from it, let it be. I have a beautiful daughter. God truly blessed me with a wonderful family. I just found out that I have Vac Tachycardia where my heart beats to fast :/

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